Running out of meal ideas? or tired of the everyday rice, beans and swallow (eba, fufu, pounded yam amala etc)? You are not alone in this. A lot of people have totally exhausted meal ideas yet there is a kind of pressure to make tummies happy. Eukayskitchen has summed up some quick, easy and highly nutritious meals you can try out. POTATOES This is a starchy vegetable and part of the nightshade family (Solanaceae) amongst tomatoes, peppers, eggplants etc. Potatoes have been in the world for thousands of years. Over time, different potato species has been discovered and produced in many parts of the world. This vegetable could be baked, fried, boiled or mashed. It is healthy and highly nutritious, containing potassium, copper, vitamin C, dietary fibre etc. Potatoes can be used as a substitute for plantain or yam and it takes quite some time to get ready, one has to be sure that it is well cooked by piercing a fork through the potato to know if it is soft and ready for consum...