The jacket potato is one easy, and nutritious meal you can make at any time. To think that I just discovered this meal a few months ago is quite funny. All my life, I have always peeled the skin of my potato before cooking, but with Jacket potato, you can enjoy a crispy skin and soft flesh potatoes. What you need Large Potatoes Sunflower/olive/vegetable oil Salt Baking tray Sides may include Baked beans Cheese Salad How to make Wash and put potatoes in the microwave for 20 minutes. Take out potatoes from the microwave and puncture them gently with a knife, this is to allow penetration of salt. Preheat oven for 3-5 minutes on 220C. Rub salt and oil around potatoes and put them on a baking tray. Bake potatoes for 20-25 minutes turning them around occasionally. When all parts are golden brown, bring out potatoes and enjoy with any or all of the above sides. See pictures below.